PT. BINTANG MANDIRI TEHNIK formerly CV. BINTANG MANDIRI, which was established on April 5, 2007, then changed its name to PT. BINTANG MANDIRI TEHNIK is one of the suppliers of Diesel Generating Sets in Indonesia which is located at Jalan Kamal Raya Outer Ring Road, Mall Taman Palem Lt. 2 Blok B No.79, Cengkareng – West Jakarta, which was founded on November 21, 2017. Then moved to Mutiara Taman Palem Complex, Block D8, Number 53, East Cengkareng, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, 11730 on November 25, 2018 until now.
PT. BINTANG MANDIRI TEHNIK serves the procurement of Genset units that are Tender or Retail, to meet the needs of companies engaged in Hi-Rise Building, Industry, Banking, Plantation, Telecommunications, Mining, Education, Residential and others.
PT. BINTANG MANDIRI TEHNIK also provides services in terms of supply of new units and complete system installations include with panels installation, Generator Set Relocation, Diesel Generating Set Rental, Spare Parts Supply, Overhoul or unloading of machinery, Trade In or Exchange Add Generator Set, Electrical Installation, Maintenance that is supported by Human Resources (HR) who are experienced and consistently continue to develop in order to provide the best service for customer satisfaction.
PT. Bintang Mandiri Tehnik, recruits the best talent, ensuring customer satisfaction or building users in accordance with their needs in order to achieve excellence.
The availability of Human Resources (HR) with competent levels of competency and productivity above the average in every job that in the company’s vision in developing HR. To achieve this vision, PT. Bintang Mandiri Tehnik sets the HR development performance indicator as a benchmark for its achievement stages. The performance indicators include the level of productivity, job satisfaction and regeneration to maintain the company’s sustainability.
HR development is carried out through four strategies, which include :
1. Build a strong organization
2. Professionalism in managing employee performance
3. HR competency-based development, morals & motivation at a dynamic level
4. Strategy based on company values and the practice of Good Corporate Governance